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Monday, March 18, 2013

Snow Days & Spring Days

Colorado weather is bipolar.

The weather people predicted a ton of snow earlier this month so J and I stocked up on all the ingredients to make a big put of soup and endless amounts of hot mint tea. We stayed in our PJs and remarked every hour that it was, indeed, still snowing.
Soup. Taco soup.
Mint tea and a good book.
That same snowy day we actually ventured out for a friend's birthday party (it had stopped snowing and the roads were no longer parking lots).
J doing his manly snow thing while I warm up the car. It was so cold a windshield wiper snapped in two.
However, soon after all traces of snow were gone and it was road biking time.
And Belgian beer time. Nothing better than 70 degree temps, sun, and a fancy dubbel.
Or, in my case, a fancy peach lambic.
Also, I taught myself how to make Spritzes...the Venetian drink of choice (and mine specifically is Aperol).

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