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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Arkansas River Adventures

The last weekend in June found J and I and six of our friends battling the raging waters of the Arkansas river on a half-day white water rafting trip. After an interesting morning, a drive that included hail, a hurried lunch, and a bit of an organizational miscommunication, we were off and enjoying the water.
After some hot coffees to warm us up (and a last minute extra liquor run) we drove another hour and some downriver to our campground at Five Points campground, a part of the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area. There has been a fire ban in Colorado for most of the summer, and most everywhere, but J came prepared with a small Coleman stove that is propane powered. Our camping dinner was saved and our veggie burgers, bison, and beef were all wonderful. The eight of us were gourmands.
The best surprise of the trip was actually the amazingly beautiful stars we saw thanks to the lack of fire, some head lamps with red light options, and no moon. We could see every star it seemed; Polaris was our fixation and we watched the world turn. It was a bonus that we were able to see that famous and beautiful band of the Milky Way stretching and rising across the Eastern sky. I only wish we had good enough cameras to capture it!

Action shot.
From the watery river to the dry, high desert. J walks in the background.
More lovely cacti.
J and I at the Royal Gorge.
Royal Gorge shenanigans.
I never paint my toenails, but I was very excited about the idea of wearing my sandals all weekend and then during all of the 4th of July festivities, too.

At the Arkansas the morning after our stargazing.
Good morning, happy campers!
Group shot! Not sure why we are all leaning and the shades of green were not prearranged. We are just THAT in sync.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lentil Salad

I am not sure in which magazine or in what city I found it, but there was an article about Mark Bittman, a person who apparently writes cookbooks. His new book is about eating a plant based diet at least until dinner time. This recipe was provided to whet your appetite. And it was tasty...

1 TBSP Dijon mustard
2 TBSP any wine or sherry vinegar
4 TBSP olive oil
1 tsp salt + more to taste
Black pepper to taste
4 cups canned lentils, drained
3 large, ripe tomatoes, chopped
1 large cucumber, peeled, seeded, and chopped
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley or dill (we used dill) 

Mix mustard, vinegar, oil, salt, and pepper in a large bowl with 2 tablespoons water; whisk until well combined. 
Add remaining ingredients to the bowl and toss until coated with dressing. Season to taste. (We actually added a little more Dijon!) 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Patio

J and I finally finished decorating the last room in the house: the patio. A warm, inviting, comfortable bistro set, our signature string lights, two potted jalapenos, and a planter full of mint, basil, and wildflowers. *sigh*

First, the romantic picture (because I'm in love).

Here one can see the warm-neutral colors of the mosaic table top.

By night.

Here is view further away. (There are now two basil plants growing in the right side of the planter box.)

My little wildflower seedlings after just a couple of days.
And a couple of days more!
The wildflower mix seedlings and mint.
Mint is the sexy beast of herbs.
Our beautiful basil...we have two varieties. The Genovese (traditional Italian) basil is on the bottom and the Nufar (a hardier varietal) is on the top.

Staunton State Park

J and I are subscribers of 5280 magazine and we enjoy some of the tips about where to hike, bike, and eat. It was no different when we read a little one-page write-up on Colorado's newest state park, Staunton State Park. Located only about 45 minutes away in Pine, CO we thought it looked like a fun place to go for an afternoon of hiking.

Enlarge for detail.
When we arrived we were afraid our plans had been squashed as the sky was dark, it was rainy and I hadn't brought my rain jacket. (Side note: Jeremy doesn't have a waterproof rain jacket, so that's his deal.) Anyway, we decided to wait for awhile as the majority of the rain passed and then took our chances with the weather.
Our view looking to our left as we set out (west).
And behind us (south).
It was a not so friendly looking cell.
We figured we would only hike what was about a 6 mile trail - from the parking lot we'd hike up the main trail to the turn off for the Old Mill, check that out, and then head back. The weather was holding, though, and springtime in Colorado is the best time to see waterfalls, so off we decided to trek to the complete opposite end of the park to see the waterfall instead

The first mile we were lollygagging the whole time. We tracked hummingbirds, followed purple-blue butterflies dancing across the trail, and looked at all the flowers (mostly me) and rocks. We realized we eventually needed to pick it up and off we went.

4.4 miles later we were at Elk Falls Pond and having a photo shoot with a large marmot (J's pictures to come!). A mile later, we were at the lake were standing at the overlook for the tall Elk Falls. That was where, the farthest we could be from the trailhead, it started raining. It wasn't too strong of a cell though and we were able to stay dry and eat a little. The sun even came out for us as we were about to turn around and gave us a beautiful view.

Coming up on the lake. The trail was available to hikers, horseback riders, and mountain bikers. That sign was no joke!
Made it to the pond!
J and the marmot (can you see him on top of the rocks? Click to enlarge the image if you can't.) We have super close up photos thanks to J's lens. I will post at least one I promise.
From Elk Falls Overlook (I hope you can yous see the falls. Click to enlarge.)
The rocks were a favorite of mine with their colorful green growth.
We followed our original trail back out around the pond and to the spot where we had the option of taking a trail to the Old Mill and hiking a little loop of things we'd not yet seen, or head back along the main trail and maybe detour north to the Old Mill if we decided that was worth it.

So, 7.5 miles into our hike we decided we'd take a new trail and see something fun. And we did, the climb often opened up into sweeping views of the mountains beyond and Pike's Peak in particular. It always seemed set on the horizon within our view.

At 10 miles into our hike we had finally made it to the Old Mill, the original intent of our planned six mile in and out hike. I'd like to note at this time that the park is full of crazy aspen groves. The last mile up the waterfall overlook was notable and this area was as well. This whole park is going to be blossoming with color in the fall. Yes. Blossoming in autumn.

From the Old Mill it was another 3.1 miles out over only .9 miles we hadn't already covered. Our feet would finally start aching the last mile or two. We were both wearing new boots, so we think we'll probably stick with them since they definitely stuck with us!

It has now been two days. I'm so sore and stiff you could probably walk up to me and push me over cow-tipping style because my hips refuse to pivot much. And I saved all the hip pivoting I could stand for the Matt Nathanson concert mentioned in the last post.

It was awesome and we can't wait to go back...especially in the fall!



I will start by saying that I am aware that the first day of summer is not until June 21st. However, any day when we enjoy a farmers market, Sunday brunch, chores and errands all while wearing a skirt and tank top and not carrying a sweater is a summer day to me. Oh, and when our condo's temperature is 84 with fans blowing and windows open. (The great thing about Colorado is that it will be 63 degrees tonight regardless of the fact it was 93 degrees our place should be a comfortable temp by bedtime.)

Anyway, this post is all about stuff that reminds me of summer...I'll start with family first! Especially since last year at this time we were doing this:

(Italy with my mom!)
J and I went to visit his family in April, my family in May, and then J's brother's family stayed with us for a few days at the beginning of June on their move from Louisiana to Alaska.
I don't have many pictures from all those travels but I do have some of Lumi because I don't often have the chance to out-cute my sister's blog when it comes to Lu. So here is a picture - or three.

Sleeping in the sun.
Keeping watch on the yard.
Post rabbit poop roll.
This isn't my shot - thanks to my wonderful mom for taking it! Vin dominated in Super Smash Bros.

J and I are still doing our thing, and the summer afternoons bring summer clouds...

...And surprise phone calls from awesome friends who are on reserve and are given Denver overnights and call you and meet up and have beers. (Ricky.)

Summer is also that time of year where cycling is not craziness...

...And the farmer's market is in full swing...

 ...and baseball games can go into the 14th inning because hypothermia is no longer a very real possibility.

It's also when festivals take on a decidedly more beer and food related theme as opposed to reindeer and Santa. Oh, and your favorite singer-songwriter just happens to be headlining one said festival! 

We're talking about last night and Matt Nathanson at the Fort Collins Food Festival! He even hinted about coming back in the fall...I already feel lucky to have seen him live twice!

Matt Nathanson has the crowd going during "Faster"