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Sunday, June 9, 2013


I will start by saying that I am aware that the first day of summer is not until June 21st. However, any day when we enjoy a farmers market, Sunday brunch, chores and errands all while wearing a skirt and tank top and not carrying a sweater is a summer day to me. Oh, and when our condo's temperature is 84 with fans blowing and windows open. (The great thing about Colorado is that it will be 63 degrees tonight regardless of the fact it was 93 degrees our place should be a comfortable temp by bedtime.)

Anyway, this post is all about stuff that reminds me of summer...I'll start with family first! Especially since last year at this time we were doing this:

(Italy with my mom!)
J and I went to visit his family in April, my family in May, and then J's brother's family stayed with us for a few days at the beginning of June on their move from Louisiana to Alaska.
I don't have many pictures from all those travels but I do have some of Lumi because I don't often have the chance to out-cute my sister's blog when it comes to Lu. So here is a picture - or three.

Sleeping in the sun.
Keeping watch on the yard.
Post rabbit poop roll.
This isn't my shot - thanks to my wonderful mom for taking it! Vin dominated in Super Smash Bros.

J and I are still doing our thing, and the summer afternoons bring summer clouds...

...And surprise phone calls from awesome friends who are on reserve and are given Denver overnights and call you and meet up and have beers. (Ricky.)

Summer is also that time of year where cycling is not craziness...

...And the farmer's market is in full swing...

 ...and baseball games can go into the 14th inning because hypothermia is no longer a very real possibility.

It's also when festivals take on a decidedly more beer and food related theme as opposed to reindeer and Santa. Oh, and your favorite singer-songwriter just happens to be headlining one said festival! 

We're talking about last night and Matt Nathanson at the Fort Collins Food Festival! He even hinted about coming back in the fall...I already feel lucky to have seen him live twice!

Matt Nathanson has the crowd going during "Faster"


Gina said...

photo stealer photo stealer!

TJ said...

Mom took that photo...I gave her the credit!!!